
It’s been several years since I updated my website. I have some great excuses. Not that things haven’t been happening creatively (well, due to COVID-19 a few productions were postponed or called off) But back in 2019, I unfortunately fell and cobblestones in Rome (I guess if I had to break a major bone, my birth city was the place to do it in ) I ended up having a left total hip replacement, a longer stay in Italy and shortly after rehabilitation started and I was back in Australia, Covid-19 hit so that put everything on hold.
I was not in a good place, physically or mentally :( which explained my very dark writing of the script ‘I’m Fine’ in 2019.
I’m back now, still with residual pain in my leg/hip area, but I’m hoping with more time, it will start to feel normal again.
I’ll maintain my website regularly and continue to create/write/inspire and nurture well into the future.


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